PIANO 2010 : Fourth Prize
Even at infancy, Yury Favorin (1986) exhibited an extraordinary ability for music. At the age of five, he began learning the piano and recorder. He was eight when he entered the Gnesin Specialized Musical Primary School in Moscow, where he learned the piano under Lidiya Grigorieva, the clarinet under Ivan Mozgovenko, and composition under Vladimir Dovgan. In 2004, he entered the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory to study the piano under Professor Mikhail Voskresensky. He also studied the composition with Karen Khachaturyan and chamber ensemble with Alexander Rudin. He graduated from the Conservatory magna cum laude in 2009.
Currently, Yury Favorin is a postgraduate student at the Moscow State Conservatory. He has taken an active part in numerous musical festivals, such as La Folle Journée in Nantes and in Tokyo, Musique en Vallée du Tarn, L'esprit du piano in Bordeaux, Guangzhou and Beijing (China), the International Festival of Saint-Lizier, the I.S. Bach Festival, the O. Messiaen Festival, and in Moscow the Steinway Parade, the Gradus ad Parnassum Piano Festival, Art November, the Moscow Forum (International Festival of Modern Music) and Moscow Autumn. He gave recitals in many countries - Germany, Austria, Norway, Hungary, France, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Japan, The Netherlands and Belgium, among others - achieving outstanding success everywhere.
Yury Favorin has worked with Pierre Boulez, Marin Alsop, Pool Goodwin, Tadeusz Zmijewski, Arkady Berin, Kazuhiro Koizumi, and other leading conductors. Marc Coppey, Gérard Caussé, François Salque, Boris Berezovsky, David Lively, Alexander Rudin, Alexander Gindin, and Marina Drozdova are among his partners on the stage. Together with composer Alexey Sysoev (electronics) and Dmitry Schielkin (percussion) he has established the ensemble of free improvisatory music ERROR 404.
Yury Favorin has won First Prize at the Gyorgy Cziffra Foundation (Vienna, 2003), he received a Diploma by the Ministry of Culture in Russia, and is a laureate of many Russian and International Competitions: the International Olivier Messiaen Competition (modern piano), Fourth Prize (Yvonne Loriod Prize); a Prize for Junior Soloist Performer from the Musical Creativity Foundation (Paris, 2007); the First N. Rubinstein Junior Piano Competition, First Prize (Moscow, 2001); the Open International Competition of Piano Composers “Nikolai Rubinstein and the Moscow Composer School” of the “Classical Heritage” Association, Third Prize (the First and Second Prizes were not awarded) (Moscow, 1998); etc.
Russian Federation
Year of birth: 1986