Vero Miller
mezzo-soprano | Allemagne, °1993
CHANT 2018 : demi-finaliste


2015 - : KS Pfor. Christiane Iven


2017 - : Master of Music Concert singing, University of Music an Theatre Munich
2015 - 2017: Master of Music Opera singing, Universitiy of Music an Theatre Munich and the Theatre Academy August Everding Munich


2017: Schloss Weikersheim, Junge Oper Schloss Weikersheim - Hänsel (Humperdinck - Hänsel und Gretel), Bundesjugendorchester, Patrick Lange, Corinna Tetzel
2016: Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg, Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg - Bradamante (Händel - Alcina), Kammerakademie Potsdam, Attilio Cremonesi, Andrea Marchiol
2014: Theater Koblenz, Koblenzer Young Theatre - Dorabella (Mozart - Così fan tutte), Orchestra of the Theatre Koblenz, Karsten Huschke


2017: 1st Prize, 9. International Singing Competition Heinrich Strecker
2014: 3rd Prize, Bundeswettbewerb Gesang Junior
Demi-finale 2018: Vero Miller
Demi-finale (04/05/2018)
Georg Friedrich Haendel Sta nell'Ircana (Alcina)
Robert Schumann Der Soldat (Fünf Lieder op. 40)
Giuseppe Verdi Perduta ho la pace (6 romanze)
Ruggiero Leoncavallo È destin! Debbo andarmene (La bohème)
Gian Carlo Menotti Ah, Michele, don't you know (The Saint of Bleecker Street)
Vero Miller, chant
Philippe Riga, pianiste accompagnateur
Première épreuve (01/05/2018)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah, scostati ! - Smanie implacabili (Così fan tutte)
Robert Schumann Belsazar op. 57
Vero Miller, chant
Philippe Riga, pianiste accompagnateur
Revivez les prestations de Violon 2024
S.M. la Reine Mathilde
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